
What you are experiencing through this platform is a gamified approach to the process of self inquiry.

On the quest of exploring with upmost sincerity the experience of the answer to the question:

who am i?

For doing so, we crafted a frame of reference that works in cycles, and proposes a new way of structuring time.

Cycles within cycles that strive for balance. For tenderness. For compassion.

That guide us into ourselves.

Every day, there is an underlying energy that is active on the Ankyverse, moving from one energetical center (chakra) of the human system to the next one.

Days are called winks, and there are eight kingdoms:

  • Primordia
  • Emblazion
  • Chryseos
  • Eleasis
  • Voxlumis
  • Insigtia
  • Claridium
  • Poiesis

Each one of these resembles the energy that runs through your body.

Your only mission is to write, every day, for 8 minutes.

We will do the rest.